Click here to check out our latest Pattern Maker: Bloem Sewing Patterns!

About Us

Hello everyone! 

My name is Mei and I'm @mei.sews on Instagram. 

After years of working my arss off in the tech world, I decided to give my left brain a break.  The stress and anxiety of the fast-paced and high-demand job, building support teams and dealing with customers' escalations, had taken a toll on my physical self that the break was much needed.  

Sewing was, and still is, an outlet for me and I strive to create fun, practical, and comfortable items everyday.  I have found that when I’m exercising my creative side, the outside world is a little easier to cope with and I’m filled with a smile inside.  

Since I enjoy sewing so much, I have decided this is a good time to start working on a project in a field that I love.  With some of the online stores closing in the recent past, I wanted to create something that could fill the gap.  Then, finding available was just a super sign that I had to do it! 

My vision for this site is to be THE database for all independent designers and their patterns.  A place where sewists can come to look for patterns, read reviews, browse and purchase.  As soon as the e-commerce part is set up, I want to continue expanding the site by creating additional features such as fabric stash cataloging, forums, project bidding, and all in all - just a good fun and inclusive community. 

I truly hope that you join me throughout this journey and we have fun while at it!